One of the greatest mysteries of ancient Egypt is solved!
At locations such as Aswan Quarry granite bedrock was being cut by an unknown advanced technique. No matter what the experts claim their reckoning can never properly fit with the evidence found there. However, hole boring techniques from elsewhere in ancient Egypt have demonstrated a cut-rate faster than what we are capable of today, suggesting high-tech was being used, and, likewise, that they had access to electricity. This is all very well but without the 'smoking gun' all this evidence can be, and is being, dismissed; until, that is, we return to Aswan Quarry with its massive obelisk near cut with a 40cm wide trench around it. The smoking gun is found here... Dolerite pounders were found in this trench around the obelisk - of over 1000 tons! - but again their actual purpose has eluded the so called experts. By an unknown technique the impossibly hard granite was being 'scooped out' to form this trench (this is agreed upon by most); but, how was it done?
From an engineering background I was aware of EDM (electrical discharge machining), sometimes referred to as spark erosion, where high voltage electrical current is used to cut metal. Similar in operation to a spark-plug in a car engine increasing the gap between its central electrode and its earth electrode with usage - with every spark the two electrodes are being worn away - where this principle is used in metal cutting with EDM. Upon seeing the dolerite pounders in the trench at Aswan and the effects present I knew EDM was being used to cut away the bedrock, yet this quarrying technique is not available today!
There was a problem with this; how was the opposing (either negative or positive) charge being applied to the bedrock. I never had the answer. Luckily, upon reading the hieroglyphics present at Aswan Quarry this provided the answer. WATER (a zig-zag line in hieroglyphics)! The bedrock was being quenched in water so to take an opposing charge (positive or negative) then the dolerite pounder would hit it when being charged with the opposite charge (negative or positive) causing a massive spark but in the process blasting away the granite bedrock, hence the 'scooping out' effect. In the above hieroglyphics the three upside-down 'boxing gloves' are the dolerite pounders with the mechanical mechanism used to apply them to the bedrock seen as an arm (seen to the upper right of the 'light-bulbs', to represent electricity, with a ball end to it - a pounder). A full explanation of this is in Holy Grail Exposed describing how a plaque with hieroglyphics found there reads, word for word, that EDM was being used to cut the bedrock - otherwise I would still be puzzling over it! All of which is the breakthrough we need to confirm high-tech at a level we don't possess today was used in ancient Egypt, with the evidence left in-place, plus the results of this unique quarrying technique can still be seen in the trench, and, the full technique is described beyond doubt by simply reading the hieroglyphics presented!
For a final note on this, the dolerite pounders have miraculously maintained a magnetic charge to this day, as seen in the various videos featuring them when the film gets distorted by this influence!
Finally, this discovery will open people's minds and allow them to think more broadly regarding all constructions found in ancient Egypt, and our past!
I find it easy to believe that you are correct. A great deal of advanced tecnology was used in ancient times and certainly there had to be advanced beings using this tecnology. Whether we forgot it, or it was owned by others and not shared with us, there is no doubt that these amazing sites are all over the planet and cannot be ignored. I believe that Earth has had intelligent life on it for literally 100's of millions of years and that great civilizations flourished and gained knowledge way beyond where man is today. We are but babies in comparison and that is why our world is such a mess. ;)