The mystery of the Arc of the Covenant takes a new twist when there may have been more have been one of them. In history, Menilek, the illegitimate son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba, returned to Jerusalem to claim his birthright, then after returning to Ethiopia with a replica of the famed Arc! Likewise, 2000 years later, the Knights Templar are believed to have dug under Temple Mount, Jerusalem and supposedly recovered an Arc.
In the picture above, on the left is a sarcophagus that may have held an Arc and on the right is a similar one from the Great Pyramid of Egypt. The twist being, the sarcophagus with the lid is in France!
Beginning with Moses; the Biblical story tells of a fallout between him and the reigning Pharaoh - though commonly thought to be Ramesses (II) the Great it was most likely Akhenaten - and fled into the desert. Moses was free to depart with his people but when it was discovered the Arc of Covenant was missing he was hunted down by the Egyptian army. This Arc is believed to have been removed from Isis Temple, where the actual location of which is now under the Aswan Dam. The Bible story fully supports this version of events although told as a cover-story in an attempt to give credence to Jewish ownership. Moses later on received two stone tablets from God on Mount Sinai and placed them inside the Arc, where, although he never lived long enough to see it after 40 years wandering in the desert as a fugitive, Joshua continued onto the Promised Land with the precious artifact and his tribe. Later on it was housed in King Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem. Prior to this it is obvious Moses has no permanent home for it keeping it in a tent called the Tabenacle, which in itself appears to be another part of the cover-story having stolen this most precious object from the Egyptians.
The Arc was constructed from layers of gold and shittim wood and has, by all accounts, been a capacitor as described when set up in the Tabenacle with a thick aroma to help earth and spark the ends of the electrodes (these being the wings of the two cherubim on top of the mercy seat), or, from its potential to kill the uninitiated just by touching it. In its original location and function positioned inside the chest/s (sarcophagus) seen above in the picture, from inside a pyramid with the possibility of hydrogen being generated there this has led to considerable destruction - as seen above on both of them. The word 'pyramid' translates to 'middle fire' supporting such a claim.
With one Arc presently believed to be in Ethiopia and another carried off to France is there evidence to support such claims?
Priests in Aksum northern Ethiopia claim they hold the Arc and further claim direct descent from King David, making them a lost tribe, although not thought to be thee Jewish 'Lost Tribe'.
In France, inside the Palace of Versailles is a painting of the Arc with Knights Templars lined up before it!
Given the passage of time, there may have been many more of them now lost or destroyed!
To complete the picture there is a final puzzle. The two stone tablets Moses received from God that he placed inside the Arc of the Covenant may never have left the Middle East for neither the Templars nor the Ethiopians can substantiate they possess these artifacts. Where, although Israel is presently attempting to source the Arc as a national treasure - albeit plundered treasure - they should focus upon what they rightfully can call their own, or, should they? The stone tablets were handed to Moses after he crossed the Red Sea (parting of) into Saudi Arabia (Mount Sinai being misplaced) where he broke the original pair that were supposedly written by the finger of God, and so he remade them. Alternatively, this could be a third cover-story implying mortal construction of objects later placed inside an Arc for safekeeping?!