A rare photograph of a death squad in action comprising SAS member David Gilles in jeans and pink shirt - yes pink in an attempt to make him look harmless - with a British Special Branch officer beside him, the woman in front being an MI5 agent, and to her right the replacement for SAS member Martin Jones. The picture was taken in the summer of 2006 just prior to attempts on author Robert Rae's life.
After repeated failures to kill Rae, Martin Jones was flung out the regiment and featured in The Sun October 2004 where his replacement was nothing short of a little coward, where, when fully tooled up with Gilles and SAS Sgt Tom Kennedy as part of a hit on Rae's life in June 2006 all he could do was shit himself when faced with an unarmed Rae.
Gilles and another SAS member, drafted in for the purpose, were suspected of the murder of Republican Dennis Donaldson in remote Donegal. He was later taken out to Afghanistan and executed for being spoiled goods causing a calamity within the SAS; later to be passed off with the cover story of an issue with snatch Land-Rovers, which nobody believed. No member of the State has ever stood trial for this act of treason.
The MI5 officer, who always dressed in blue, once had a bizarre three-way conversation with Rae when she was trailing dissident Republican leader 'MM' from Belfast. Rae in conversation, tongue-in-cheek, complimented her and insulted 'MM" just to see what would happen...
And; the Special Branch officer with dreadlocks at the rear right in the photo was known to freely drive an illegal British car with no tax or insurance discs in the Republic of Ireland with the registration plate with the letters 'FTP' - commonly referring to F+++ the Pope.
Rae survived numerous attempts on his life during this period, although later on was independently witnessed being shot in the upper back with a toxin pellet from a silent gun in an MI5 hit. His only crime was to interrupt a British policy of mass murder in Strathclyde Scotland where the death squads followed him to Ireland in betrayal of the Good Friday Agreement, especially so in reference to the murder of Donaldson for Rae has no involvement in Ireland's political struggles. Rae's death would have severe implications for the west of Scotland, or possibly all of Scotland, for regional Strathclyde Police and their Special Branch death squads were incorporated into the national Police Scotland, which has acted to cover up the slaughter with the illegal conviction of a Chinese man for their murder of Tracey Wilde - it was carried out by Strathclyde Special Branch officer Raymond Stevenson in a larger conspiracy involving Labour Party ex-First Minister of Scotland, Henry McLeish.
