Former Labour leader John Smith (1992 - 1994) was allegedly murdered! He died of a heart attack, but the British Secret Service have for a long time had access to toxins to induce heart attacks and are actively using them, including on this author for he was independently witnessed being shot in the upper back with a toxin ice pellet, which was on that occasion unsuccessful!
From inside sources, and diverse sources, it is claimed Smith was allegedly assassinated by State agents, which poses the question; why (when such an act would be an affront to democracy)?
The reason given: - He was destined to become Prime Minister and being anti-nuclear he would have scrapped the nuclear deterrent therefore had to be removed?! Does this motive hold any truth to it? So many members of the Labour Party are members, or have been members, of CND but once elected forget their principles, for it is never pursued when they are in power. Did the governments of Blair or Brown pursue this change in policy? No!
So yes, it does appear to hold water with Smith dying at a very crucial time...