Two Bravo Zero kill-rate 250 Iraqis-3 SAS, reality, 0 Iraqis-3 SAS, though inside sources hint there may be one. Murders of Jill Dando and Princess Diana - Trevor Rhys-Jones being a concealed member - allegedly remain the two greatest hits of the regiment in recent times!
So on closer examination lets look further into the modern SAS to tell a few home truths. Andy McNab and Chris Ryan are referred to on the inside as Jack and Nory, for their only achievements were failures and cowardice! Squadron leader McNab when now asked how many kills he has refuses to answer yet glorifies killing a young Irishman. An easy target given 'The Troubles' of Northern Ireland were by and large a phony war (for those with access to all three sides to tell what really happened opposed to the propaganda we were fed - for example, in recent times the British army have pulled out yet the Republicans remain, many of whom changed from being Provisional IRA into what is the New IRA but lack kills?! Work out who really did the majority of killing from such... Likewise, the alleged preferred IRA method of execution of 'double tap' is not their modus operandi but an SAS textbook way of killing by putting one in the belly for the victim to keel forward to take the next in the head!) Returning to Jack and Nory; a documentary on Two Bravo Zero does substantiate they had no kills, betrayed procedures, surrendered at the first opportunity, and deserted (though claiming Chris Ryan should have got a medal for his three day walk out of Iraq but other ex-members claim he should have got a kicking instead!). Many of the eight involved were decorated for this fiasco!
In 'Next Generation Terrorism' Rae highlights having always been unarmed and outnumbered he chose to fight the SAS with a first counterattack being when he crept up behind two members dispatched to kill him to slit their throats with a Swiss Army Knife, until 'legend' Tom 'Bob Hope' Kennedy (pictured) was deployed against him. Rae states pointblank what a big sissy this really is when towering over him all he could see was fear. When Rae finally got shot (but survived) it was in the back, as low and cowardly as they could get...
Robert Rae was given and wore an SAS tee-shirt as a badge of respect for past actions but put it in the bin when he learnt one of their main functions was to protect VIP pedophiles, the same nonces he despises and fought against all his life. Sadly, the SAS never shared such a level of bravado. Likewise, upon not being from a military family three war medals hung on his grandmother's wall for actual acts of bravery, not present day cowardice - probably a record for a conscripted civvie to have done so much only for his grandson to do it all over again protecting innocent civilians (mainly women) from the SAS!